Who We Are?
Surveyor/Inspector Certifications/Certificates
Shannon Cory, owner of 5 Star Environment Services, decided after retiring from Rainbow Home Inspections, as a home inspector for 22 years, to continue conducting environment services to help make our homes a safer and healthier place to live. After growing up in the construction business, Shannon worked as a research engineer for over thirteen plus years building research facilities in many countries around the world. Due to his background Shannon has the experience, training and skills to evaluate and educate you on the condition of the property that he is surveying/testing for you.
Inspector/Surveyor – Shannon Cory holds either certificates or certifications in the following: American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI National & Georgia), CABO One and Two Family Code, SBCCI & ICC Building Codes, Exterior Design Institute, Certified NRPP Radon Technician, Thermography Building Science, Mold Management Technician, and BPI Building Analyst Professional. Former Instructor for Inspection Training Associates, Kaplan Professional Schools. President of the ASHI GA Chapter from 2005-2007, 2016 and 2018. Member of Board of Directors for ASHI National until 2021. Instructor for Spruce (Radon Measurement Training) 2018 to present. In January 2020 was honored with the John E. Cox award for exemplary contributions to ASHI chapters across the country.